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Tragic crash of US Navy airship

Other dangerous events foreshadowed USS Akron’s fateful crash

On this episode of Tracks Through Time, Deputy Editor Brielle Jaekel dives into the tragic crash of a Navy airship, the USS Akron, in which numerous men lost their lives. It was the first of two major airship crashes in New Jersey, during a time when some believed airships were the future of travel.

Caroline Johnson, who works with the Naval History and Heritage Command, comes on the show to tell us the story and the events that foreshadowed the crash.

Brielle Jaekel

Brielle is the deputy editor of Freight Waves and has a seven-year history in B2B publishing, tackling cutting edge stories in business, with more than two years specifically focused on the supply chain. She’s interviewed numerous CEOs and is adept at finding stories that matter to the industry. She believes in finding a new way forward in the supply chain to solve problems, drive sustainability and put people first. If you’d like to get in touch with Brielle, please email her at [email protected].